Justice For Noura // Use Your Voice


Noura’s father made her contractually marry her cousin when she was 16, she refused to accept and sought refuge with a relative for three years. She returned after her father said the marriage was cancelled, but had been tricked and was forced into marriage. She refused to consummate the marriage for the first 4 days. On the 5th day her husband got his brother and 2 nephews to hold her down and he raped her. The following day, he attempted to rape her again and as she struggled to stop him, she stabbed him in self-defence. Her father handed her over to the police. 

This week Noura was found guilty of premeditated murder and has been officially sentenced to death by hanging.
This is normalised in some places in the world. Sudan is ranked 165 out of 188 countries on the UN’s Gender Inequality Index. Violence against women and girls is prevalent. Marital rape and child marriage are not considered crimes in predominately Muslim African nations.
It is likely that only pressure from the international community can save Noura’s life. You can be part of that pressure. Please sign the petition here.
This needs to become an international story with international community pressure. Use your power however you can.
Please use your voice to amplify this story.
#justicefornoura #justiceforasifa #justiceforzainab


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