Mooncup // Plastic Free Periods


I’m delighted to announce I’m now an official Mooncup Ambassador (after being an unofficial one for years!). I started using a Mooncup about four years ago and have been raving about them since to just about every person with a period who will listen. And some people without periods too. Having a plastic free period is really important to me for both my body and the health of the oceans.

The Oceans

Approximately 4.3 billion disposable period products are used in the UK every year. These products either end up in landfill or down the loo. Flushed plastics make up around 6.2% of beach litter in the UK, and period products are the fifth most common item found on Europe’s beaches, more widespread than single-use coffee cups, cutlery or straws.

Ocean Conservancy volunteers collected 27,938 used tampons and applicators on our world’s beaches on a single day. The Mooncup is reusable: you only need one.


The Body

Non-organic disposable products have been found to contain toxic chemicals like BPA and BPS, and petrochemical additives – known endocrine disrupting substances which have been linked to heart diseases and cancer. I don’t know about you but this doesn’t sound like something i want to be sticking inside my vagina.

The Mooncup is latex-free, hypoallergenic and containing no dyes, perfumes, BPA, phthalates, plastic, bleaches or toxins. Wahoo!


I also think it’s really important we break period taboos. 100 million girls are missing school just because of their periods. Period poverty and the stigma surrounding periods is a huge issue, even in the UK. If talking about periods helps to normalise them, then we should probably talk a little louder.

Mooncups can also help you save money in the long run. The initial financial investment is more, a cup costs £21.99. However, a cup lasts 10 years. Math isn’t my strong point but I’d typically spend that on plastic tampons in just a few months.


For the last year i’ve been campaigning with City to Sea to promote #PlasticFreePeriods, I even did a TEDx talk where i whacked my Mooncup out on stage to show how great a solution they are to the issue of disposable period plastic.

Want to try the Mooncup? 91% of women who tried menstrual cups said that they would continue to use the cup and recommend it to a friend. Use my affiliate link here:

I’m aware the mooncup won’t suit every body, and for those that it doesn’t, don’t fear! There are loads of other reusable and plastic free options that i’ve linked to here.


Brompton Bike Hire // The Campaign For Movement


Turning Tides // Plastic Free Periods